Music Together®とは?
Music Together®は幼児発達心理学の研究を元に1987年に誕生した、0ヶ月から5才までのお子さんとそのお子さんを愛する大人を対象とした幼児音楽プログラムです。世界的に認識されているMTは「全ての子供は、小さい時から適切な環境で学べば、正しい音程で歌い、リズムを取り、自信を持って音楽を楽しむことができる様になる」という理念に基づきカリキュラムが組まれています。その成長をサポートするために私達は、音楽的な、楽しい、遊びに満ちた、そして成長段階に応じた環境を提供します。
"Music Together with Yukiko was one of the best investments we've made in our son's education. He spent every week learning more about music, friendship, and creating beauty with others. - LC"
"Yukiko's joy is contagious and gorgeous to be a part of. She blessed my girls with the exposure to her Japanese culture. Konnichiwa everybody, so glad to see you! - KVH"
"My children were diagnosed with autism shortly after joining MT, which made it challenging for them to participate without becoming easily distracted or disrupting the class. Ms. Yukiko knew exactly how to help my children - encouraging their creativity and participation, and redirecting them when necessary. - KM"
"I learned just as much as my daughter did in MT classes. When I hear her sing or hum melodies on her own, I know it's due to the strong musical foundation Ms. Yukiko helped establish. - MM"
"I have had the pleasure of singing and making music with Yukiko with all four of my children. Her passion and love for what she does is unlike any class you will find! If you have the chance to experience this magic with your children, I would highly recommend taking a class with Yukiko. - SS"
"If you are looking for the most fun music education for your little ones, look no further. Yukiko has the experience to back up the fun she brings to the Music Together classroom. She is happy and genuinely enjoys watching children (and their adults too!) grow in their musical expression. I'm a much better singer than I was when I started Music Together with my eldest daughter several years ago. - AB"
"Miss Yukiko was our absolute favorite Music Together teacher. We still sing the songs we learned in her class! Her love of music and of families made us feel right at home. Every week was full of connection. I’m still impressed with the patience she exhibited with my toddler (who could never sit still). We love her! – SH"
"Yukiko is the kind of teacher everyone wishes they had. As someone who doesn't consider herself a singer, I had a blast singing, dancing, and making music with my child and the class. - JF"
"As my daughter grows, I see how the foundational music lessons taught by Yukiko help aid not just her musical growth but language development! - AF"
"Yukiko is able to connect with all children and parents alike and always brings a creative and educational element to each class. - RG"
"Yukiko is so patient with the littles in her class that I am awe of her! Her love of music has given our son a love of music and dancing that continues to this day. - LW"
"Yukiko is an inspiration! She welcomed this scared new mom of 3 (2 yrs and under) into her class and gave her the confidence to sing, dance and be silly with the girls! She makes music fun for all ages!! I would take any and every class she has to offer...SHE is amazing!! - MM"
"Aside from her obvious vocal talent and expertise working with children, she exudes a genuine joy that just brightens the room. Her constant smile and the energy that she brings to each musical experience are contagious. When I think of the famous Julie Andrews (from Sound of Music), I think of Yukiko. – ALC"
❄️ ウインター・ターム ❄️
Music Together® Onlineには3種類のクラスがあります。
Mixed-Ages classes (0ヶ月から5歳)
Babies classes (0ヶ月から8ヶ月の赤ちゃん)
Rhythm Kids classes (4歳から8歳)
詳細は までメールか、469-600-0901にお電話・テキストを下さい。
Hello Everybody App
iPhone / iPadまたはAndroid用の無料の「Hello Everybody」アプリをチェックしてみて下さい。 自宅でも外出先でも、Music Together®の曲に簡単にアクセスする事ができます! Family Music Zone®のアカウントでログインし、( 又は新たにアカウントを作成し)曲をアプリに取り込みます。どこにいても歌って踊れる楽しい曲をお楽しみ下さい。
Music Together® には9冊のコレクション、プラス3冊の夏用のコレクションがあります。全てのコレクションは、子供達が幅色く様々なリズム、スケール、ムード、スタイル、そして楽器の音を体験出来る様にデザインされています。
Music Together® の音楽
Music Together®の音楽は様々なテンポ、メーター、 そして曲調を含めた”ファミリー・ミュージック”として評判を得ています。
Yukiko Yoshida Mullen
(469) 600-0901
Music Together art & logo design © 1992-2024 Music Together LLC.
Music Together is a registered trademark. Happy Little Tunes LLC is licensed by Music Together LLC.
For more locations:
“All Around the Kitchen” ©1991, "Hello Song” ©1987, "Hey Diddle Diddle” ©1999, "May All Children” ©1986, 2002, "Palo Palo” ©1999, "Ridin' in the Car” ©1989, "She Sells Sea Shells” ©2004, and "This Train” ©1988. All songs copyrighted Music Together LLC. All rights reserved. Sound clips used by permission of the copyright holder.
©2019 by Happy Little Tunes LLC.